1850. Lil Guy de Maupassant was born in Miromesnil castle

Maupassant, MiromesnilMaupassant, Miromesnil | ©Olivier Duquesne / CC-BY-SA

1849. A little ordinary couple had a rest in the castle they rent. In the shadowy hundred-year old trees, look: the young lady was pregnant.

Laure Le Poitevin was a Norman brunette with dark eyes, she was 28 years old. Her husband, a guy from Eastern France, was called Auguste.

Auguste de Maupassant. And one fine day of August 1850, a little Guy breathed the fresh air for the first time of his life… famous French writer Guy de Maupassant!

Look, he was born on the castle’s first floor, in one of the turret, in a small and simple bedroom.

His mum fell badly ill just after his birth. So, she asked the castle’s robust woman farmer to feed the little Guy!

Oh, but he spent few times in Miromesnil: just the time of the rent, between 1849 and 1853.

4 years after, the Maupassant family moved in the neighbouring castle of Grainville-Ymauville where Hervé, Guy’s brother, was born…

Hey, come here: we still can see the 15th century’s chapel, in the park, where the little Guy was baptised, on August 23th 1850.