A 10 years-old kid arrested in Courances!

Courances in the 16th cCourances in the 16th c | ©Public domain

Since the 14th c, we found in Courances a little dwelling house. It was bought in 1552 by Côme Clausse, king Henri II’s secretary, who wanted to extend his neighbouring estate of Fleury-en-Bière: he landscaped the current Grand Canal in Courances!

But wars of Religion came. Ouch! A garrison of 100 men, led by catholic sir d’Achon, defended the castle.

And in 1562, while they were killing Protestants in Paris with all their might, a 10 years-old kid left the city in order to go to Orléans, where his dad was waiting for him…

With him, several trustworthy persons and a private tutor.

The kid? He was Agrippa d’Aubigné! Famous Protestant poet and soldier, future grand-dad of famous Mme de Maintenon!

So, they left Paris to go to Orléans and passed by Courances. D’Achon arrested them and handed them over to his inquisitor.

The kid bravely endured the interrogation, he wasn’t afraid. But he burst into tears for one reason: when they took his little sword away!

Disturbed by Agrippa’s courage, the inquisitor sent him in d’Achon’s apartments.

He only said he and his friends would die the next morning… Agrippa was sent back in his jail and waited for his fate.

But during the night, one of d’Achon’s henchman turned up in the gaol and suggested an escape, for a fee, of course.

They gathered the money, and they cut and ran! Agrippa and his pals arrived in Montargis and then in Orléans...