A fatal carp

A carpA carp | ©Public domain

The current castle dates back to the 15th century, when Lesbolières family raised it. In 1518, Jean de Beaupoil, king François I's butler, owned the estate.

Did you know what happened to one of them, Henri de Beaupoil?

He died near the castle, he was 24 years old. The scene took place in 1614. The young man ate a carp (which came from the castle's estate) and a fish bone went down the wrong way... the poor guy died suffocated!

In the 19th century, the Grènerie fell to the Ardant family, rich merchants from Limoges, then to the Blomac in 1870.

This family restored the façades and added new windows in the bold medieval wall. They also redecorated apartments in the Neogothic style.