An old stronghold
The whole construction is pretty impressive, with the chapel, the keep, several well-preserved towers!
The first stronghold, Castellum Inglia, was founded in the 11th century, on this rocky spur overlooking the river.
We are here on the borders of Touraine, Poitou and Berry, a very coveted land, subject to attacks! That was why they raised a castle here, a keep belonging to counts of Lusignan. But during the Hundred Years War, Angles lord supported both French and English camps, so the land was many times besieged!
Besides, name of Angles came from people Angles... from England! In the Middle Ages, though, the castle was called Château-Guichard, from lord Guichard d’Angles.
Angles lord, between France and England
Guichard d'Angles was born in 1310. He supported both kings of France and England, during the Hundred Years War!
He was a proud knight, lord of Pleumartin, of Château-Larcher, of Rochefort, count of Huntington in England.
Chronicler Froissart described him as "loyal, wise, brave, gallant and forward."
A loyal man king of France Philip de Valois appointed governor of Niort! In 1346, he defended this city from count of Derby.
He also fought in Maupertuis battle, where they left him for dead near king Jean II.
In December 1360, king Jean II told him he had to obey the England king, because of a clause in treaty of Brétigny. But... Guichard didn't want to!
And yet, he had submitted to Edward the English king years ago...
He even satisfied his new master, who appointed him marshal of Aquitaine and count of Huntington.
The castle
The current castle was raised between the 9th and the 15th century. They built it on a limestone cliff.
Strong ramparts defended it on the city side, the cliff protected it on the river side. A pretty impregnable place!
On the edge of the cliff, we have this small Romanesque church, raised on the foundations of an old keep...
Completely abandoned, the castle became a stone quarry. But we still can see beautiful remains...