A little history of Bagis townhouse

The façadeThe façade | ©Albertvillanovadelmoral / CC-BY-SA

In the narrow rue de la Dalbade, the façade of this house is a fine instance of Renaissance style.

It is also known as hôtel de Pierre, "Stone house", because it's the only house in Toulouse made of stones instead of bricks.

Raised for the Parliament councillor Jean de Bagis, it was architect Nicolas Bachelier (who raised Assézat townhouse in Toulouse) who was put in charge of the construction: the legend says he was Michelangelo's disciple!

The house was composed of a nice decorated façade overlooking the street, a square courtyard and a little garden overlooking river Garonne.

Jean de Bagis died in 1570 and the house was sold to Nicolas Guerrier in 1601, an apothecary whose daughter married François de Clary.

This chap, first President in Toulouse Parliament, transformed the city house from 1610.

The legend says architect from Périgord Pierre Souffron raised the new house: oh, he moved in Toulouse in the beginning of the 17th century, and erected the Pont Neuf at the same time, so, why not?

You know what? People discovered marble columns vestiges in the river Garonne, from an Antic temple: Clary bought them and added them to the façade! Unfortunately, he died in 1615 and his town house wasn't finished...

It was a man called Calvet-Besson who bought the house in 1855 and completed it: he added 2 plaques on the façade to recall the nice story of the place...