In the heart of a small village of Gascogne, we are now in front of Bassoues' tall keep, remnant of the castle raised by bishop of Auch, Arnaud d'Aubert. It had four storeys with chimney, latrine, tiny windows, sinks and wardrobe... modern conveniences!
During the building works, Aubert was busy in Avignon city. He sent a man called Aymeri de Bochiaco in order to keep an eye on the site: he came 6 weeks here with his suit, plus the stone cutter Pierre Joc and Etienne de Pradères, a carpenter.
The keep was called in the past "tower of Bach", because Bach means "below" in patois, and the castle was located lower down the city!
The castle itself was occupied a 45 metres long and 30 metres large rectangle. A small tower called tour Mamelart occupied the fortress' north-east angle. This one was transformed by the Lévis family after Arnaud Aubert's death.