A little history of Billettes cloister

The façadeThe façade | ©Chris06 / CC-BY-SA

Here's a place that few people know, located in the Marais district, near Paris city hall... And yet, the place's worth a look!

Our story began with a man called Jonathan, sentenced to death in 1290 because he desecrated a host.

On the foundations of his house, Régnier Flaminge raised a chapel in 1294, with the consent of pope Boniface VIII and protection of king of France Philip the Fair.

Pilgrims started to come. In 1299, monks from Charité de Notre-Dame (called Billettes) moved in the little chapel.

This one was rebuilt in the middle of the 14th century, with the addition of a cloister and a cemetery.

In the beginning of the 15th century, the district was extended: street's level (called rue-où-Dieu-fut-Bouilli, "street where God was bowled") was modified, and the chapel was located below.

The new church was blessed in 1408 and the current cloister was completed in 1427.

In 1631, Billettes monks left and Carmelites moved: they were called Carmes-Billettes. From 1755 to 1758, Dominican friar Claude (an architect) rebuilt the church.

It was sold in 1790 and transformed into a cellar. Paris city owned the place in 1800 and assigned it to Lutheran cult in 1812.