A little history of Courbat castle

The castleThe castle | ©Anecdotrip.com / CC-BY-NC-SA

The current castle houses Le Péchereau city hall. We can visit the inner courtyard and inside, there’s a small exhibitions room.

At first, we’re pretty stunned: the castle was pretty well restored! The blonde stone seems so fresh…

We notice a big tower, like a kind of keep: in fact, it’s the small castle, the entrance.

Look at the walls’ thickness, and the loopholes: the castle used to be a stronghold, in the past!

And here we are in the courtyard. We have moats on one side, the façade on the other side…

Hey, did you see this inscription? Passant à force de les passer, tu y pourrais bien demeurer, which echoes the passage of time: it was a former sun dial, with the date of 1662!

In the beginning of the 17th century, bailiff of Argenton-sur-Creuse, Jean Mauduit, owned the estate: he was the chap who altered the old medieval castle.