Do you know who's the famous person who lived in this lovely house, in the heart of its 3 hectares park? Aurore Dupin, oh, I mean... George Sand, the famous French writer!
In 1770, governor of Vierzon, Péarron de Sérennes, raised a house here. During the French Revolution, it fell to Mrs. Dupin de Francueil, who lived here all the year and welcomed her grand-daughter Aurore, until her going for Paris in 1817.
After her grandmother's death, Aurore Dupin, becoming baroness Dudevant (because she married), became a writer under the name of George Sand.
She divorced, and from 1836, she spent her time split between Paris in winter and Nohant in summer. She received artists as Delacroix, Chopin, Balzac, Liszt, Théophile Gautier...
Guests did as they pleased, George only asked punctuality for dinners. Most of the guests worked, others took out for a walk...
Everyone gathered in the living room on the ground floor, and spent the evening with domino and discussion... In 1847, George created a puppet show with her son Maurice.
They even sculpted the figurines and designed costumes! In 1851, George raised a real theatre with an orchestra pit for 50 persons! George also put to the test her new plays, before she gave them to Parisian theatres...
She was a host full of kindness, for her guests, of course, but also for Nohant people. She died on June 8th 1876, after 50 years spent in her house...