It was called Keisersberg in 1227, Kesersperg, then Mont Libre ("Free hill") during the Revolution...
Welcome in Kaysersberg, nice little Alsatian city!
The castle belonged to the Horbourg and then to the Ribeaupierre. Emperor Frederic II owned it in 1227 in order to protect himself from invaders.
Emperor Adolph of Nassau proclaimed the city, in March 1293, "Imperial free town".
It was a real stronghold kept by a Reichvogt, a military chief. Lords were the Hohenstaufen family.
In 1293, king Adolph of Nassau gave great privileges to the city.
Here in Kaysersberg, several noble families moved in at the end of the 15th century: tanners, bakers, wine-growers, coopers gathered into corporate bodies.
In 1644, a man called Mérian nicknamed Kaysersberg "small place", another poet wrote it was "a populous city, imposing-building".
People made the finest Alsatian wine, said lawyer Nicolas Reussner: "Alsace is the heart and the life of the Empire and Kaysersberg is the heart of the heart and the life of the life"!