A little history of La Roche-Jagu castle

The castleThe castle | ©Binche / CC-BY-SA

Lords of Roche-Jagu realized all the strategical potential of the place, overlooking river Trieux: they could raise here a stronghold in order to keep an eye on the valley!

They raised it in the 11th century. And the fortress was destroyed during the Britain war of Succession, then rebuilt in 1405 by Pierre de Péan.

It was a kind of mix between a defensive fortress and a cosy dwelling house: indeed! The pink sandstone castle housed 4 floors with kitchen and cellar on the ground floor, apartments on the first floor, bedrooms on second, mansard roof on the last floor. Add to this latrine... and a small chapel!

Raised to a barony in 1487, la Roche-Jagu fell to the D'Acigné family 7 years later, before the Plessis de Richelieu owned it... but they never came there! So a farmer family transformed it into a farm.

What's next? Several owners succeeded one another until it was listed as a Historical monument in 1930. Nowadays, the castle houses exhibitions.