A little history of Longpra castle

The castleThe castle | ©Patrice78500 / CC-BY-SA

A modest stronghold

Believe me or not, but originally, we found here a big and rustic stronghold raised in the 12th century.

In 1536, Charles Pascalis, notary in Saint-Geoire, owned the estate...

It was Pierre-Antoine de Pascalis who transformed the medieval fortress into the nice Classical castle, in 1770.

The transformation!

This man, future president in Grenoble Parliament, was very rich: so he re-raised the old castle, keeping the foundations, moats and the drawbridge. The building site lasted 40 years! Behind those beige façades, he fit out the chapel and a suite of adjoining rooms.

Best period artists from Grenoble created beautiful furniture. Sculptor Boileau (nicknamed Bontemps) took 10 years to create the nice panelling in the living room. The great cabinetmaker Jean-François Hache made the nice parquet with several wood species.

But harder times came... During the Revolution, the president and his family were arrested and locked in jail.

In 1814, Austrian troops occupied the castle and plundered it. Last of the Pascalis member died in 1844, childless... Longpra fell to his niece Eugénie du Colombier, Anselme Pasquier de Franclieu’s wife. Fortunately, they restored it in the 20th century!

In 1985, the most beautiful estate of the area was opened to the public. Oh, by the way... they kept in the chapel a Christ statue that Mrs. Elizabeth, king Louis XVI’s sister gave to Mrs. De Tourzel, governess of king’s children. The legend says this lady was part of the Longpra family...