The cathedral | ©Tango7174 / CC-BY-SA
The Norman cathedral was raised by first bishops of Evreux, saint Taurin and saint Landulphe. It was a small oratory, later extended by their successors.
The church was destroyed in 892 by Normans troops led by Rollo, then in 1118 by Montfort, who besieged the city and expelled the English.
But those one came back few years later and burnt the city... and the cathedral! The two towers on the main portal date back to the 16th and 17th century.
The Northern portal was raised between 1511 and 1574. Cardinal La Balue put up the square tower in the reign of Louis XI.
A disciple of Viollet-le-Duc restored our cathedral in the 19th century, a little too much, said some experts...