Master Marchoux owned two town houses located 6 rue de Vivienne and 4 rue des Petits-Champs, in 1823. He wanted to create a gallery on these plots.
Raised by architect Delannoy, it was soon known as "gallery Vivienne" and inaugurated in 1826. At that time, the situation of the gallery was just perfect!
Near the palais Royal, passers-by loved to go there because they found other Parisian galleries too desolated!
Amédée Kermel said in his book Paris ou le Livre des Cent-et-Un that sans contredit, le plus fréquenté de tous les passages de la capitale, c'est le chaînon qui joint aux boulevards. Aucun autre ne se trouve mieux placé que lui pour être un foyer brûlant de circulation et d'activité. Which means "it was the liveliest place in Paris, the link joining boulevards."
In 1828, we had a café, several stores, a bookstore and two print shops. In 1832, Italian abbot Gazzava brought his Cosmorama, a show with highlight landscapes, thanks to magnifying mirrors!