Raised in the 10th century, at a time when Hungarian invasions and wars made the daily life, Pesmes castle was a big fortress flanked by a keep and surrounded by deeps ditches.
Lords of Pesmes probably founded the stronghold. Mighty lords! They owned several lands in the area, Rupt castle included.
The Swiss family Grandson succeeded lords of Pesmes in the 13th century, the castle fell to the Neuchatel, a famous family who came from Burgundy. Then came the La Baume Montrevel in the 15th century, who kept Pesmes since the 18th century.
The castle fell to Claude-Antoine de Choiseul, king's marshal, general lieutenant in Brie and Champagne provinces... a famous family, one more time!
Do you know duke of Choiseul, king Louis XV's minister? In 1793, the castle had 5 distinct buildings, a chapel, a theatre, stables. But Choiseul emigrated during the Revolution, so his estate was seized: the castle was demolished. Only remained... one vestibule!