In my opinion, this bridge is the most beautiful one in Paris! It was named after Tzar Alexander III, who laid down the first stone of the bridge in 1896, during his visit! France and Russia were close friends, at that time...
A flying construction: began in 1898, it was finished in 1900, just for the Universal Exhibition. Engineer Jean Résal with architects Cassien-Bernard and Gaston Cousin, made an exploit: and yet, the plan wasn’t simple!
Strict specifications imposed: not to be in the way of the Invalides; not to bother the traffic on the river...
And yet, they already thought of a bridge, here, in order to link Champs-Elysées to Invalides! A first bridge was raised in 1828, but it was destroyed by a collision with a boat! And above all, it spoiled the view on the Invalides!
Our bridge cost 7 millions of francs, 1 million for the decoration. Aah, the decoration...
Golden statues at the top of the columns represent Industry, Trade, Arts and Sciences. In the middle, river Seine’s nymphs and river Neva’s ones. Cupids and sea monsters decorate candelabras.