Pierre Baroncelli was a banker from Florence, Italy, but also the intendant of legate and archbishop Julien de la Rovère (du Roure, "oak tree", in Provence patois).
He raised this palace in 1498.
Baroncelli? We already met famous marquis Folco de Baroncelli-Javon, a gardian (a kind of cow-boy from Southern France, in Camargue area, also known as "herdsman").
He was born in 1869 in Aix-en-Provence but spent a part of his childhood in this house, in Avignon!
Folco and his friend poet Frédéric Mistral even founded here a Provençal newspaper, L'Aioli, between 1891 and 1899.
And the house was owned in 1918 by Jeanne de Flandrésy and her husband Emile Espérandieu, who founded Flandresy-Espérandieu foundation, dedicated to Provençal traditions.
In the courtyard, they hung bells to the façades, each one representing a poet: Homer, Dante, Petrarch, Racine, Lamartine... and of course Folco de Baroncelli and Frédéric Mistral!