A little history of Saint-Jean-du-Baly church

The churchThe church | ©Pymouss / CC-BY-SA

This is the old church Sancta Maria de Castello, raised in the 16th century on the foundations of old Lannion castle.

A vast esplanade used to be there, which gave its name to the place: baly.

Baly? What’s it? It means an alley, a way people paced up and down saying... balivernes, "nonsenses" in French!

The primitive chapel belonged to Buhulien parish, and in the 15th century, Lannion had its own parish: a church dedicated to Our-Lady was founded.

In the 17th century, this church was dedicated to saint John the Baptist...

Look at that: we can’t miss the big tower raised in 1519. It had a stony spire, but this one was too heavy, so it jeopardized the church’s stability...

As a precaution measure, governor of Brittany, duke d’Aiguillon, destroyed it at the end of the 18th century...

Inside, several things; don’t miss the 17th century wooden throne and the marble altar (end of the 18th c.).

Also, white marble statues representing saint Joseph, Virgin Mary, saint Joachim, sainte Anne (18th c).