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A little history of Saint-Martial church in Châteauroux

The church | Croquant / CC-BY-SA
Parish church Saint-Martial church in Châteauroux

We are now in the small Châteauroux town centre: welcome to Saint-Martial church! It was raised in the 12th century outside the city wall, delimited by a tiny stream called the Rouille.

The strong bell-tower dates back from the 15th century, put up by a rich inhabitant, Pierre Burignon.

Inside, don't miss its wooden vaults and the beautiful polychrome statues... Some said the tower-bell first storey used to be a chapel, set aside for a confraternity founded in 1362, in this church, by Guy de Chauvigny...

About the the author

I'm fond of strolls and History, with juicy and spicy details!