A little history of Saint-Pantaléon church in Troyes

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On a little quiet square, this is the church of St-Pantaleon, with its strange octagonal bell-tower...

Cardinal Ancher de Saint-Praxède (who finished the construction of basilica Saint-Urbain of Troyes, founded by his uncle pope Urban IV) raised this church to honour his uncle, on the foundation of an old wooden church (1189).

But the number of inhabitants was increasing and they needed a bigger church! In 1508, a new stony building was raised on a plot of land belonging to Vauluisant monks.

But a terrible fire destroyed the city in 1524, including Saint-Pantaleon...

By the way, you can see an inscription on the chevet: "Half of the city was burnt on Saint Urbain's day. Seven churches burnt, Saint-Pantaleon included. Christian people, gave us money to re-raise this building."

In 1527, the building work began. Inhabitants gave plenty of donations, as for instance Sorel sisters, two grocers, who gave 70 000 livres in 1572, a pretty big sum!

Thanks to these gifts, they built the choir and restored the northern and southern chapels. The higher parts of the transept and the nave only date back to 1674: the beautiful vaults (made of chestnut tree) were made between 1660 and 1674, the Classical style façade between 1735 and 1745.

Inside the church, we can see nice stained-glass windows (these one are known as grisaille), from the 16th century. You also have statues, masterpieces coming from Champagne area...