Alfred Klots' brand new castle in Rochefort-en-Terre

Klots' castleKlots' castle | ©Missterry82 / CC-BY-SA

The current castle was raised by the American painter Alfred Klots in 1907 on the foundations of the former castle, demolished in 1793. This former fortress dates back from the 12th century.

At that time, they raised the small city and the collegiate church, next to the castle. The Rochefort family reigned on the fief since 1247.

A great family! We had Thibaut, in the 13th century, then Guy, Jean de Montfort's ambassador...

Then the fief fell to the powerful Rieux family in 1374, when Jeanne of Rochefort married Jean II de Rieux, marshal of France.

Damaged during wars of Religion in 1594, the castle was owned in 1658 by the Brittany Parliament president, lord de Larlan, who altered it.

But during the French Revolution, a fire destroyed the castle... And Klots rebuilt it in the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, it's the property of State and you can visit it!