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A little history of Besançon citadel

Aerial view | Groumfy69 / CC0
Fortification Vauban Besançon citadel

The famous French engineer Vauban raised this citadel, a real master-piece UNESCO listed as a World heritage site... It has a surface area of 11 hectares, with kilometres of surrounding walls... raised on Saint-Etienne mountain, the citadel was put up in 1668. But the construction stopped in the middle of the 17th century. Well, why?!

Because Franche-Comté was very troubled! It was the Ten Years War. France gave the region to Spain. But the French re-take it to the Spanish in 1668! Not for a long time: Franche-Comté immediately returned to Spain...

But with treaty of Nimègue, Franche-Comté region was finally annexed to France in 1678. The war was over and Vauban could finish his construction... which ended in 1711.

About the the author

I'm fond of strolls and History, with juicy and spicy details!