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Back to the Middle Ages with the échaudés from Brenne

The échaudés | / CC-BY-NC-SA

What’s this?

The échaudé is a triangular dry biscuit, golden and puffy, made of a scald mixture then cook in an oven.

Echaudé means ″scald″! A real biscuit for starvation time or Lent, primitively made of flour and water only: people ate them since the Hundred Years War!

Today, they are made with flour, butter, eggs and sugar.

But where do we find them? During the Echaudés’ fair in Mézières-en-Brenne, every year in March...

The little history

Echaudés are the oldest biscuit in France! It was first mentioned in a charter of the cathedral of Paris, in 1202.

Saint Louis, who prohibited work for pastry-cook and bakers on Sunday, allowed to make échaudés this day, for the poor…

In Central France, the first mention of échaudés dates back to 1240, in Saint-Chéron abbey.

Those biscuits were very handy in case of starvation: they only needed water and flour! And people could preserve them a long time.

But people ate them especially during Lent.

The book Région Centre : produits du terroir et recettes traditionnelles par l'inventaire du patrimoine culinaire de France (ed. Albin Michel) says they ate échaudés with ″grey wine″ for the Pentecost…

About the the author

I'm fond of strolls and History, with juicy and spicy details!