Cadillac castle: welcome in Nogaret de La Valette's home

NogaretNogaret | ©Public domain

Overlooking river Garonne, this is Cadillac! No, not the car, but a nice Renaissance castle...

In the past, the Aquitaine seneschal raised a castle in 1280, for the king of England. Duke d'Epernon, Jean-Louis de Nogaret de La Valette, owned Cadillac in 1587.

He transformed the old medieval fortress into a nice residence. In 1599, foundations of the new castle began, architect Pierre Souffron drew plans.

Building work lasted 40 years... But what a splendour! A 1631 description told us there was in the courtyard "a marble fountain", "a nice and vast garden", "about 60 royal rooms", "20 marble chimneys"...

But let's talk about Nogaret: king of France's Henri III favourite, he was one of his "minion". He quickly became peer of France and admiral, then he fell from grace when Henri IV became king.

The castle was damaged during the Fronde, it was restored by the second duke of Epernon, Bernard. This one was childless, so he gave Cadillac to the Foix-Candale family. The castle was abandoned little by little...

The French State bought it but a fire destroyed it in 1928. An association owned it and restored it.

By the way, did you know famous personalities came to Cadillac? Henri IV slept here in 1587; in October 1659, the young Louis XIV and his mother Anne of Austria were invited by duke of Epernon.