Charles Péguy, Orléans' poet

The entranceThe entrance | ©Gentil Hibou / CC-BY-SA

Located in Euverte Hatte's house, this centre is dedicated to the French writer Charles Péguy (1873-1914), who was born in Orléans.

Through manuscripts, letters, the museum related the life and the work of this Dreyfus supporter, socialist party member, anti-Marxist and catholic.

Did you know some of his poems evoke the land where he was born, the Loiret region, Orléans city but also Joan of Arc, he loved with all his heart?

Et c'est le souvenir qu'a laissé sur ces bords Une enfant qui menait son cheval vers le fleuve Son âme était récente et sa cotte était neuve Innocente elle allait vers le plus grand des sorts Car celle qui venait du pays tourangeau C'était la même enfant qui quelques jours plus tard Gouvernant d'un seul mot le rustre et le soudard Descendait devers Meung ou montait vers Jargeau

which means in English:

This is the memory left on these banks, by a child who led her horse to the river. Her soul was fresh and her armour was brand new, She walked, innocent, towards her greatest fate. This girl, who came from Touraine, was the one who had ruled, few days ago, over boors and brutes. Now she went down to Meung or went up to Jargeau.