Cognat, how war separated the church from its village

The churchThe church | ©JM Planchon / Public domain

Cognat is a nice church, sure, but we are here on the location of a famous battle, during wars of Religion...

In 1568, 4 000 Protestants led by captain Poncenat came from Chartres in order to help prince of Condé. But Catholics were here to stand in their way, in Cognat!

These one immediately defended the castle, belonging to Jean de La Fayette, one of their leader.

Catholics, with more riders than their enemies, waited for them near the church. Huguenots were more organized and posted at a strategical place.

The end of the battle? Protestants won! But before they left, they burnt the city and the castle. Phew, our little church was safe! Lord of Cognat, La Fayette, died, so did the Protestant leader Poncenat...

This one was killed by one of his men, who didn’t recognize him! Anyway, after the battle, they rebuilt the current village further: that's why the church is far from Cognat city.