Creully castle: a toothy warrior, Bernard Montgomery in his hideaway

The castleThe castle | ©elfabriciodelamancha / Public domain

Normans, English, a minister

Raised when Normans moved in the area, after signature of treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte in 911, Creully was dogged between the English and the French during the Hundred Years War. King of France Louis XI destroyed it in 1471, then rebuilt it 10 years later. Do you know Jean-Baptiste Colbert? Louis XIV's famous minister owned Creully in 1682, one year before his death!

Hamon go to war

A lord’s teeth

Why did they nickname Hamon, lord of Creully, Le Dentu, “the Toothy”? Mystery… Maybe he was a hearty eater, or his teeth weren’t glamorous at all…

Anyway, Hamon-the-Toothy (the chronicle called him Hains-as-Dentz) was Creully first baron. He founded the primitive castle. The tradition says he was Rollo's heir: you know, the Viking chief who created duchy of Normandy? Whoa, a terrific lineage!

Hamon’s nicest feat was also his last one: he kicked the bucket in 1047, fighting the king of France, in Saint-Laurent-du-Val valley. Robert Wace wrote about his last moments in his novel, the Roman de Rou.

Losing his mind?

The second baron of Creully was Robert Fitz-Hamon. He bravely fought with William the Conqueror during battle of Hastings. So, this one gave him nice rewards, including seigneuries of Bristol and Gloucester in England! After several victories, Robert went mad during the siege of Falaise: an arrow reached his head. Blood didn’t run much, but his mind and his brain were completely affected! He died, insane, few monks later in England…

A caravan in the hay

Village of Creully was set free during the first hours of the D-day, on June 6th 1944. And on June 7th, men from the BBC (English radio station), moved in the castle, in the Square Tower. The station broadcasted a news bulletin every day, about the front in Normandy! Until July 21th 1944…

And while they were broadcasting in the tower, general Montgomery set his headquarters in castle of Creullet park (we can see it from the terrace of castle of Creully), in the beginning of June 1944. His headquarters? Oh, a simple caravan hidden on hay! Maybe, but he received here king George VI and Winston Churchill...

The visit of Creully

The castle nowadays belongs to the city of Creully, who often rents it for exhibitions or concerts. The Square Tower houses a little museum dedicated to the radio, since 1994…