Jules’ market
Former Forum Julii, Fréjus was born between 58 and 44 BC. Augustus raised a harbour in the city.
Besides, Strabo called Fréjus ″Augustus’ divine harbour″, Pliny colonia Octavanorum, ″Augustus’ colony″ and Tacitus vertus et illustris colonia, ″old and ancient colony″.
Lots of honours… So, thanks to this strong Roman past, Fréjus houses important remains.
The vestiges
The amphitheatre
This one is smaller than Nîmes or Arles: 10000 spectators could enter in, VS 25000 in Nîmes!
The aqueduct
The water came from Mons, from river Siagne. It came by an aqueduct to Fréjus, after a 40 kilometres trip!
Once it was in the city, the water ended in the water tower, the castellum, then it was dispatched in the districts.
Pillars are still standing in middle of the vegetation.
Augustus’ lantern
Raised in the Middle Ages on the foundations of a Roman tower, sailors used it as a sea-mark, which is a fixed landmark visible during the day (unlike the lighthouse).
Roman ramparts
Real ramparts, about 2 kilometres long! The Gaul gate is a remain of this amazing wall.
The tradition says the famous Aurelian road (which linked Italy to Gaul) passed by this gate!
We had 4 fortified gates in Fréjus: the Gaul gate and the Golden gate are still standing.
The harbour
From Augustus harbour remains the outline: a harbour filled in 1812 owing to the mud and its insalubrious air!
Fréjus used to be a giant and important harbour, in Roman era. We had 2 kilometres long quays.
The Golden gate
Remains of the thermal baths. The gate is a high arch made of brick and sandstone.
They found a Jove’s head, here (we can see it in the city’s museum).
But what about the name? Golden? Well, we don’t know exactly! Abbot and historian Girardin evoked a name referring to big golden nails they found in the masonry.