Héré's arc: Stanislas flattered his son-in-law's ego

The archThe arch | ©Alf van Beem / CC0

An arch named after Stanislas Leszczyński's famous architect, Emmanuel Héré, disciple of Boffrand. He entered Stanislas service when he was 20 years-old!

Here we can see a Corinthian arch crowned by a medallion (a Genie holding king of France Louis XV’s portrait and an Allegory of Lorraine).

Top of that, the allegory of Fame with a trumpet: Hostium terror, Foederum cultor, Gentisque decus et amor which means “Enemies terror, treaties instigator, glory and love of people”.

We also can see 3 low-reliefs made of white marble: Mercury and Minerva, Apollo and Muses, Apollo against a dragon with the device Principi pacifico. On the cornice, Ceres, Minerva, Hercules, Mars.

The arch was dedicated to Louis XV: hey, he was Stanislas’ son-in-law!