Jacques Cœur’s house dates back to the 15th century: the oldest house in Sancerre! It was seized after his fall from grace. His son Geoffroy, king Louis XI’s butler, get it back in 1463.
The family's coat of arms decorates the façade, below the window: 3 red hearts and 3 shells! In fact, Jacques Cœur had his own fabric shop, here, on the street behind, rue du Carroir-de-Velours...
The carroir is a word from Berry patois which means "public place" or "crossroads". So here, the carroir de velours is the "Velvet crossroads", because Cœur sold fabric here!
A legend says an underground passage dug under the house led to Bourges... Sancerre-Bourges is a pretty long road, 45 kilometres... just imagine the work to dig the passage... Well, it’s just a legend, of course!