Culan’s story began in 1080, with the construction of a wooden fortress by Gillardus de Linière. In 1188, French king Philip Augustus fought against the English and his troops put fire to the castle. 10 years later, Renoul I re-raised it.
In 1270, Renoul II transformed Culan into a real stronghold with its rampart flanks by 6 round towers and its big main building.
3 towers with hoardings defended the main building: hoardings are at the top of towers, on the covered way. Soldiers hiding inside could throw big stones on the enemy.
Those hoarding were made of wood. And those of Culan are pretty well-preserved, unique in France!
A marshal, a Maid, a sultan
Louis and Gilles de Rais
In 1314, Culan became a barony. Lords were pretty mighty, like for instance Louis de Culan, born in 1370.
On July 17th 1429, Louis held the Holy Phial with Gilles de Rais, for king Charles VII’s coronation in Reims! A big honour…
Joan of Arc!
Louis fought in Azincourt against the English, in 1415. King Charles VII appointed him admiral of France in 1422. Tireless!
We also found him with Joan of Arc in Orléans. The tradition says Louis hosted her in Culan, in November 1429, few months before her capture in Compiègne...
A diabolical pact in Culan? The one made by Philippe de Culan, Louis’ nephew!
This respectable marshal of France made a pact with the Devil, to become richer. He saved his soul by selling a peasant’s one instead. Naughty one!
Sully’s horse
In 1599, Maximilien de Béthune (Henri IV’s famous minister) owned Culan. He raised the gallery on the northern wall, in the inner courtyard… to put his horse! We can see the basis of the former keep.
A giant keep (about 17 metres of diameter), with a Mélusine weathercock at its top! This keep was destroyed during Fronde wars, in the 17th century.
Two famous ladies in Culan
Madame de Sévigné spent few days in Culan. Oh, the lady was a friend of the owner… What about French author George Sand? Well, she broke her leg in the staircase!