Louis-René de Rohan and the famous Queen's necklace

Louis-RenéLouis-René | ©Public domain

Let's meet the most famous owner: Louis-René-Edouard de Rohan, involved in the famous affair of the Queen’s diamond necklace!

He was a happy and eccentric man. One day, just before Christmas, a small market stood there in front of the palace, with a stall full of crockery and other things.

An old woman displayed her dishes when suddenly, the cardinal turned up with his carriage at top speed and crushed the crockery!

People started to moan, to insult the cardinal… but this one gave a big purse full of golden crowns to the old lady, at least 3 times the price of the cheap crockery…

And our cardinal even hosted the famous Cagliostro in the palace, in 1780! Involved in the affair of the Diamond necklace, all the good society of that time wanted to see him!

He was a mysterious man, healer and alchemist, enthroned in the Freemasonry in London…

Between 1780 and 1783, he lived in Strasbourg, get bed and board by our cardinal: we could find him in a house at number 12 rue de la Râpe…

What about the cardinal? After the scandal of the necklace affair, we found him exiled in la Chaise-Dieu... so there!