A majestic church
Do you see this huge bell-tower (16th c) with its 65 metres high spire?
And do you see this gorgeous High Gothic porch? We have funny animals gargoyles... even a pig!
Completed in 1530, the current Gothic church replaced an older church (12th century).
Inside, we have organs (middle of the 18th century).
Stained-glass windows were made between 1955 and 1965 by Max Ingrand.
And also... this statue, this golden Virgin! She used to save Hennebont!
Hennebont’s plague...
She saved it especially in 1699, during a plague epidemic.
Hennebont’s mayor, Haycinthe Cornic, came with inhabitants to put the city’s keys down at the Virgin’s feet. A last hope...
They promised her a silver statue if the epidemic stopped. And on the next morning... the plague was over!
So, on the first day of October 1700, four Hennebont judges brought a nice silver statue on the church altar.
A promise is a promise! Unfortunately, they melted it during the French Revolution. Another one replaced it, crowned in 1900.