Plonk and fishes galore: Breton dukes' little paradise in Suscinio

Original pavementOriginal pavement | ©Abxbay / Public domain

The first castle was raised in 1218 for Pierre I de Dreux, the new duke of Brittany. Because from the 13th to the 15th century, the castle of Suscinio was the dukes of Brittany’s favourite estate! And in the 15th century, the dukes moved in the castle of Nantes… And yet, Suscinio is a really nice place, isn’t it? With the sea nearby, the fresh air… a quiet place! Besides, Suscinio means souci n'y est in French, "no worry"...

Just imagine, a fortress defended by the sea and the swamps, just perfect! And at that time, the sea at high tide completely filled the moats. And when the water was high, sometimes, all the estate was flooded: so crooks and thieves could get in the estate with little boats, at night...

But above all, this water was full of fishes, perfect for dukes’ diners. Yes, in Suscinio, they could live in a total self-sufficiency! Because we had fishes but also a huge park full of game and a forest full of firewood!

They even had a vineyard in Rhuys, at that time: well, a plonk, dukes never drank it! Well, our dukes had a pretty nice life, here, in Suscinio. Wine, food… but also all mod cons, with several fireplaces, latrines, steam-room and private apartments.