Rambures and Shakespeare

The castleThe castle | ©Peyot / CC-BY-SA

Medieval wars...

This fortress was mentioned since the 12th century, but it was in the 14th century everything began...

André de Rambures, captain of Boulogne, was king Charles VI's comrade in arms.

His son David became the king's councillor in 1402, then he was among the 12 knights who ruled over the kingdom, when poor king Charles VI get mad...

David died at Azincourt, in 1415.

Did you know Shakespeare immortalized David de Rambures in his play Henri V, as "lord Rambures, the master of the cross-bows"?

Well, then the English took André de Rambures (David's son) prisoner and exiled him in England. They also seized the castle.

One year later, phew! André came back in France: he paid his freedom... 3 000 livres!

... and other battles!

During wars of Religion, a Norman Protestant called Jean de Fautereau tried to seize the fortress. Lord of Rambures, Jean, resisted and get back his castle...

At that time, also, Charles de Rambures, nicknamed the Brave, Henri IV's best friend, saved his king during the battle of Ivry, in March 1590!

Charles' grandson died in 1676 in an accident (a gun's shot). The castle fell to the marquis of La Roche Fontenilles.

Seized during the French Revolution, inhabitants defended the estate and get it back to the lord, in 1798!