Saint-Jean church in Carbini and the sect of the Giovannali

General viewGeneral view | ©François Collard / CC-BY-SA

The church

It’s a Romanesque church, flanks by its thin isolated bell-tower.

This tower used to be higher: 7 floors and about 30 metres high!

The tradition says it was raised by master Maternato, who built the bridge of Rizzanèse in Zonza and the bridge of Forciolo, in Corsica…

The church seems very rustic: an only nave, loopholes in the walls, a simple framework…

Outside, between the bell-tower and the church, we even find remains of the former church of San-Quilico...

Giovannali’s sect

The church of Carbini used to be the headquarter of the Giovannali: a sect of lunatics! Heretics…

Giovannali were born in 1355 thanks to brothers Paul and Henri (Polo and Arrigo), lords of Tallano.

Famous French historian Mérimée said in his book Voyage en Corse their sect became more and more popular each days.

They gathered in the church of Saint-Jean (san Giovanni): that was how they get their name.

There used to be a huge clutter, in the small church, at that time!

Because the Giovannali shared everything they had, their possessions, their wives, even their children!

Gossips said they made sacrifices! And at night, they met and made terrible orgies...

So, the pope was angry: he sent soldiers and an emissary to calm them down. It worked well: the Giovannali became persecuted.

Everything ended with a bloodbath, 40 years after the creation of the sect.

Giovannali were decimated, after the slaughter, so the little city was abandoned. Mérimée said they sent families from Sartène to re-populate the area...