Saint-Martin church in Ansouis and its extraordinary couple

The interiorThe interior | ©François de Dijon / CC-BY-SA

An extraordinary couple

In the small church of Ansouis, famous Elzéar de Sabran (1285-1325) and his wife Delphine de Signes (1283–1360) were buried.

Why famous? He was born near Ansouis in one of the most powerful family in Provence.

At the age of 13, he married Delphine, 15 years old.

The young girl had just left the convent, and she took a vow of chastity. No fancy goods in mind! She accepted to marry Elzéar, but on one condition: that he took the same vow. The young man, completely in love with Delphine, agreed.

The wedding took place in 1299. They lived together for 20 years, in the happiest chastity ever. Few years later, Elzéar fell ill, he was 38 years old.

After her husband death, Delphine only lived for the poor, living herself in appalling conditions. She made plenty of miracles... Pope Clément VI canonized Elzéar in Avignon’s church of Saint-Didier and finally, Delphine could pass away...

Relics in church

We can see Elzéar and Delphine’s reliquaries, dating back to the 16th century, made of painted wood. The lower part is full of scenes:

  • Elzéar in his nurse’s arms
  • Elzéar refusing to pray in front of a consecrated host
  • Delphine resurrecting a man who fell in a well, in Ansouis castle.
  • Elzéar in a hospital, curing sick persons
  • Delphine’s death.

Relics are still inside the reliquary, the other part is in cathedral of Apt.