The Middle-Ages
Father, beware, you'll get it!
Gerberoy was mentioned for the first time in 948, with king of France Louis from Overseas, when he acknowledged Richard as the only duke of Normandy and Brittany.
Then William the Conqueror besieged the place, which belonged to his elder son Robert II, in 1079: king Philip I had gave Gerberoy castle to Robert few years earlier. And this one was angry!
He lived in his father's shadow and he wanted the duchy of Normandy! So he gathered his troops in Gerberoy castle and the battle began between son and father.
William was wounded by Robert, so he surrendered and finally gave him his duchy. Then he came back in England...
Blasted war!
Then Gerberoy was constantly besieged by the English during the Hundred Years War, but also by soldiers from Burgundy and France... the fortress was restored by king Charles VII. Count of Arundel besieged it in 1435, during the famous battle of Gerberoy. A war won by the French...
Did you know the nearest valley was called Arundel valley, in memory of count of Arundel, John FitzAllan?
Modern times
Fouquerolles and marshal de Biron besieged Gerberoy during wars of Religion. King of France Henri IV took it again in 1592 and demolished the fortress.
Since that, French painter Henri Le Sidaner settled in Gerberoy in 1901. He restored the old houses, put flowers and roses everywhere, laid out gorgeous gardens in his own house (you can visit it!) and created the Rose's festival...