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The dead and the mysterious Sarlat lantern

The lantern | Manfred Heyde / CC-BY-SA
Tower Sarlat lantern of the Dead

Raised at the end of the 12th century, we don't know who raise that big tower (lanterne des Morts). Is it a funerary chapel?

A building built for the coming of saint Bernard, in 1147 (the legend says he came in Sarlat to bless breads and feed sick persons). Mystery...

But a chronicle written by Jean Tarde in 1561 said a man called Jean del Peyrat was buried "in the cemetery's lantern, which is a chapel, dome-shaped inside and pyramid-shaped outside, located in the middle of the cemetery". Oh, this put us in the picture!

About the the author

I'm fond of strolls and History, with juicy and spicy details!