The fairies legend of Lamballe church

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In the book Petite légende dorée de la Haute-Bretagne by Paul Sébillot (1897), we learn how Our-Lady of Lamballe was raised by fairies.

The church’s choir was built on cellars opening on the back of the building. Those cellars would be the entrance of a mysterious underground linking the neighbouring castle of La Hunaudaye to the church!

An underground raised by fairies at the same time as the choir…

The legend looks like the legend of castle of Bouchet’s fairies (Indre), because near the church of Lamballe, we have a kind of hillock made of rocks.

In fact, those stones were unloaded there by one of the fairies, Margot, who brought them then to her sisters who were building Notre-Dame.

It needed only 3 round-trips and the fairies completed the church within 2 hours…