One dark and gloomy winter night, while an icy wind was blowing outside, the lord of Olhain had diner with guests.
Suddenly, someone knocked at the door: a very old man wearing clothes of a mendicant order. He apologized from disturbing them, but just asked for money…
The lord refused and started to mock at him. Completely drunk and stirred up, the lord took his sword and killed the man! A sinister silence took over in the room… At least, they completely sobered up!
But they had to react, now, and hid the body: under a driving rain, the lord of Olhain threw the corpse in a ditch, and he went on his feast… the next morning, everyone sobered up: and they remembered this terrible night…
Scared, consumed with remorse, the lord and his friends left the castle and ran away in the court of the count of Flanders. They all died within a year…