Villesavin castle: one Breton, a building site... and rumours

The castleThe castle | ©Manfred Heyde / CC-BY-SA

A Breton, a widow, a site

Brave and wise!

Villesavin's first lord, in 1315, was count of Blois Guy de Châtillon. But the most important lord was Jean Le Breton, who owned the land in 1526.

This ″wise and brave gentleman, capable of war and advice″, went with his king François I in every wars.

Both of them were captured in Pavia (Italy), in 1525! Released one year later, the king put Jean in charge of the management of Chambord’s construction.

So, in order to be close of the building work, Jean decided to settle in the neighborhood, in Villesavin… and raised a nice castle.


A legend says Le Breton misappropriated the money for Chambord’s construction, in order to raise his own castle. And yet François I gave him his complete trust…

But you know, Azay-le-Rideau’s owner was also accused of misappropriation! Maybe, but concerning Jean, it wasn’t true at all! Phew, everything was alright.

Meanwhile, Jean also raised castle of Villandry, few years later, and in 1537, Villesavin was completed. 6 years later, Le Breton died… François I asked his widow to succeed him as the new ″work’s inspector of Chambord!

100 metres of façade!

No more medieval stronghold here, but a nice Italian palace, a delicate château de la Loire

We have 3 courtyards: the main courtyard with its basin made of Carrara marble, the stables courtyard and the farmyard. In total, we have about 100 metres of façades in front of us! Nice, isn’t it?