What’s this?
The famous biscuit rose, with its inimitable taste, its crunchiness, his immaculate icing sugar and its lovely pink colour…
Today, it’s pink! But in the past, the pink biscuit was… white!
Later only, pastry-cooks added colouring. The biscuit used to go with champagne, or alcohol like Porto: very handy, the little biscuit didn’t crumble when you soaked it in the glass!
What about its fabrication? They mix all the ingredients (sugar, flour and eggs) and the mixture has to cook very quickly, on a slow heat.
Then, they cut the biscuits with a rectangular shape, and they let them dry...
The little history
In the past, city of Reims (Eastern France) made biscuits (this name means ″baked in two times″).
We had two factories: first, the mother company Derungs, founded in 1800: king Charles X, when he came here for his sacre, tasted one of their cakes.
Oh, he loved them, since he appointed Derungs ″Royal pastry-cook″!
The company disappeared, so it was Fossier who went down in history, with the famous current biscuits roses...