Famous lady Aïssé lived here with her dear love chevalier d'Aydie!
She was a little slave from Constantinople, brought back in France.
He was a handsome and romantic chevalier, from Mayac in Périgord… They had a daughter, Célinie.
The chevalier took care of her after Aïssé's death.
Célinie married count of Nanthiat and had a daughter: Marie-Denise! Of course, prettiest than her famous grandmother…
Marie-Denise, for her part, would marry count of Bonneval.
What about the castle? In the middle of the 12th century, a lady from Nanthiat married Pierre Joubert. One of the Joubert, count of Nanthiat, married Aïssé’s daughter, Célinie, centuries after!
In the middle of the 15th century, the English occupied the fortress. The French of course besieged it and expelled enemies! The current castle probably dates back to Célinie’s wedding’s era.
We notice this big tower (16th c.). We can see on it a woman’s bust wearing Renaissance clothes: some said it was Célinie or Aïssé’s portrait!
A nice legend for exceptional ladies!