Thevet-Saint-Julien church and the wooden treasures made by abbot Aymon

The balustradeThe balustrade | © / CC-BY-NC-SA

Like in the neighbouring church of Vicq-Exemplet, we have a decoration made by famous abbot Aymon!

Here, his nice balustrade is pretty unusual… Let’s go!

The church

The church, depending of Déols abbey, dates back to the 13th century.

On the façade, do you notice this slab?

It’s a very old and rough representation of the Crucifixion, coming from an antic temple…

We have a Romanesque church many times altered, in the 19th century.

Abbot Aymon’s decoration

First, wooden doors (20th c.). Have you seen doors of the church of Vicq-Exemplet, located not far from here?

Well, Thévet’s one were made by the same man, abbot Aymon, a priest but also a carpenter!

He represented the 4 evangelists with their symbols.

Inside, we immediately notice the lovely balustrade, with this sentence: Le seigneur Dieu les expulsa du jardin d'Eden. O heureuse faute qui nous valut le Rédempteur, which means ″God expelled them from garden of Eden.″

A reference to Heaven, with Eve and her sin. In front of her, Virgin Mary with Jesus in his cradle.

Words EVA next to Eve and AVE next to the Virgin: the sinner VS the pure lady…

At the top of the scene, we have the Last Judgment.

The abbot also re-made copies of statues, built the benches, the chandeliers, and so on… Nice work, pretty unusual!